Monday, January 18, 2016

It Always Ends in Love

"Cast all your anxieties to Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
Definitions of cast - discard; shed in the process of growth; throw (something) forcefully in a certain direction.

Throw all your anxieties in His direction, for He cares for you.
(So what this all means is just to write them all down, all that you can possibly think of, listing them off one by one to Him.)

Definition of care - for He looks after you, provides for you, tends to you.

for He is our Shepard.
He is our caretaker. That is His job. Care-taker.
So the question is: Are we burdening Him by telling Him about our burdens?
No! Of course not!
He already know all we're feeling. So why hide them from Him?
He rejoices when we come to Him and cast our anxieties to Him.
That is what He is here for, to take our anxieties.
He does it joyfully, actually He already did it.
"He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases," Matthew 8:17
"Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows." Isaiah 53:4
So we must use this wonderful gift He has given to us.
Giving Him all our cares.
-He already took our cares at the cross.
He pre-paid for us to be able to cast our cares to Him and be free from these anxieties.
He did this; and now, we can live in freedom.
We don't have to bear our anxieties. We don't have to live in that punishment anymore because of the sins we couldn't pay for. He paid the debt for our sins, He bore it for us when He died, so that we don't have to.
He did it because He loves us.
So when we tell Him about our burdens, we are NOT re-burdening Him. He has already been burdened once and for all so that we can come to Him free - free from guilt and shame. - Knowing that He wants us to come to Him and receive this free gift. And that He is GLAD to take the burdens for us. So we can come before God with no guilt or shame, we don't have to feel guilty for burdening Him even then on the cross. We didn't make Him do it, we didn't force Him to do it, and He didn't have to do it,- but He did it because He loves us. It's a free gift to us that He wants us so badly to receive, that He died so that someday we might claim our free prize. We did nothing to earn it, nothing to deserve it, -He did. And He just wants to share His prize with us, -because of His love. It always ends with His Love. You ask why would He do this? And the answer is always going to be the same - because of Love. He is Love.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Lord Have Your Way in Me

We do not live or speak on our own authority, remember, but we are representing our Father — the one who sent us. "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." John 17:18
We are not part of this world (John 17:14)
— So we will not follow the rules of this world
(Colossians 2:20).
But we will do whatever the LORD commands us to do. 
We do what He says because we love him (John 14:23).
— Because we know that we are sure, that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).
And we can even believe this not just because He has said these things, but we can believe it because we are witnesses that is it all true! (John 14:11)
We have seen and experienced it for ourselves!

There is no other way besides Jesus, that brings us a life of truth.
Nothing is truth but Jesus, that will clearly show us the way to life.
There is no such thing as life without Jesus, because only He is the truth that can light the way

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:11

Saturday, January 9, 2016

How Jesus Loves You

He is patient with me. He is kind to me. He does not envy others over me. He doesn't boast about me—about the things I've done. He is not prideful about me or does not brag about me.  He does not dishonor me (bring shame or disgrace on me). He does not think of His best interest first, but what's in my best interest above His own. He does not get angry with me easily. He keeps no record of my wrongs. It does not bring Him delight to see evil come upon me, but He rejoices when I am able to see the truth. He always protects me. He always has a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, and strength that He has in Himself for me. He always has excitement and expectation in Himself for me and my life. He always holds on to me and never lets me go even through the toughest storms and most difficult times. He never fails to bring about all the goodness in my life that He desires and has planned for me.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV)
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Pride Exposed

The following is truth that the Lord revealed to me concerning pride:

Pride- people have it to overcompensate.

Because they know on the inside that they have no real reason to be proud of themselves.

They are afraid. Afraid that others will see. Afraid that they are going to be found out and exposed.

They go around bragging about things they don't have. They do it to get man's glory and praise."for they loved human praise more than praise from God"  (John 12:34).

They know in their heart, however, that they are living a lie. Deceiving and being deceived by others! "while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13).

It's an illusion! A false sense of pride! And they are never going to be satisfied but just continue to be deceived by the world and be jealous! It is demonic! (James 3:15)

We must not become jealous! We must know that it is a lie!

Pride is a lie that they have told themselves so many times they are starting to believe their own lie.

Confidence is not acting like you are better than every body else and trying to make them jealous of you and want to be you. That is called idolatry.

We don't brag- bragging is only purposed for bragging about something that you have that no one else can have. But Jesus is for E V E R Y B O D Y.

So we can't brag about Him or our salvation! It is a gift from God, so that none of us can boast! (Ephesians 2:8-9) It was given to us! So how could we take credit for this?

We can have a clear conscience. We are not deceiving anyone. Even if we did have pride, it would be true. But we will not have pride. Pride in the Lord's eyes is detestable. It is for man's glory to have pride in themselves- so that they may get praise from others for the good things that they have done. But not one of us can be good without Jesus! Not one of us! In our own works we fail! We become prideful! And we miss the whole point!

It is not about having confidence in ourselves! That is deceptive and that is a lie! A FALSE sense of security it is to have confidence and pride in one's own abilities.

It is of no use! I count it all as bologna! (Philippians 3:8)

Those things count for nothing in the Lord's eyes.

It does no good but to deceive. Your own works are worth nothing to Him, your kingdom you built with millions isn't even worth as much as a penny to Him.

So many people put so much energy into boasting about something that is truly nothing!

I will not boast about my own works, I will boast about what the Lord's done for me! I can't take credit for His dying on the cross! How can we boast about something we didn't do? We can't even take credit for this! It is a gift from Him! It is nothing short of a miracle that we can believe in Him! All of our faith comes from Him! He tried to make it as easy as He can for us! But it is still impossible for us to believe on our own. So it is not our own work that we believe, but a gift from the Almighty King. He made it easy for us (His children) to believe in Him. How can we boast about this?

It is easy to believe in Jesus. He made it easy. But we can't brag about it; because it is something that everybody else can do.

Our human works and efforts are of no advantage to us!

Once He died and rose from the dead -(the impossible)- that is when He made it possible for us to believe in Him. He made it easy. How hard is it to believe that someone is the Son of God when He rose from the dead?

He died so that we may believe.

It is good to have no confidence in the flesh (in one's own righteousness). (Romans 3:10)

We cannot make ourselves righteous. We can't make ourselves right with God. That's what Jesus was for. If we were to try to make ourselves right with God, we would have to die on a cross to make it right.